The harbor
enviroment concept –
our way to the green port

We believe that a maritime leisure facility must take on its own new responsibility in times of massively increasing climate change and changing social upheavals.
The beautiful and unique location of the marina in the heart of the port deserves special attention if we want to enjoy it for years to come. We are aware that practically all activities of the marina and those of our customers have an impact on the environment.
For this reason, the Marina is committed to improving and protecting the environment. In collaboration with our berth owners, local businesses and the supply chain, we are committed to protecting the natural beauty surrounding our port and the marine ecosystem for all to participate in.
Rescue the rhine

In 2020 we started the expansion of renewable energies, such as photovoltaics on the Marina building. We are planning the continuous expansion of solar modules, with the aim of supplying smaller ships with self-sufficient electrical energy in the future via electricity storage.
Rescue the rhine

In 2020 we started the expansion of renewable energies, such as photovoltaics on the Marina building. We are planning the continuous expansion of solar modules, with the aim of supplying smaller ships with self-sufficient electrical energy in the future via electricity storage.

Solar Energy

In 2020 we started the expansion of renewable energies, such as photovoltaics on the Marina building. We are planning the continuous expansion of solar modules, with the aim of supplying smaller ships with self-sufficient electrical energy in the future via electricity storage.

Recycled PET

2021 Plastic in the Rhine and other rivers is an increasingly serious problem, which has no clean and intelligent recycling solution in Germany. Together with international specialists, we are building floating gardens and other innovations from recycled plastic. More information:

Planting Trees

2021 Trees help to bind CO2 and reduce the evaporation heat that occurs over the water and the quay walls. We offer tree sponsorships to our residents and external companies. If you want to set a positive example in the Media Harbour, please contact us. We would be happy to send you our partnership concept.

Green Fuel

In 2022, another decisive step for the marina followed in the direction of innovative climate protection. For diesel yacht owners, we now provide renewable, synthetic diesel that has 90% fewer pollutants. Ships that have hoisted this flag are already sailing on CARE Diesel. We are happy to help. Information www.neste.de

Wind Energy

2022 The significant increase in winds, squalls and hurricanes has prompted us to invest in small vertical wind turbines. With this we cover what the photovoltaic cannot cover at night and in bad weather. The aim is to store the electricity generated and make it available for electric boats in the future.

Marina Clean Up

2022 Every flood flushes large amounts of plastic and other rubbish into the Rhine. We have been voluntarily cleaning the Media Harbor every week for years. Together with ONWATER, rhinecleanup.org and other organizations, we contribute to the cleaning of the Rhine beaches. Do you want to join? Contact us.